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Class of 2016-Class of 2024 합격 대학 리스트 (by College) 

Harvard, Stanford, Yale, Princeton, MIT, Columbia, UPenn, Brown, Dartmouth, Cornell, Duke, Johns Hopkins, Vanderbilt, WashU, Emory, Willians C, Amherst College, Northwestern, Carnegie Mellon, USC, UCLA, UC Berkeley, UC Irvine, UC Santa Barbara, NYU, U of Michigan, Georgetown, Case Western, Georgia Tech, U of Virginia, U of Rochester, Tufts, Wellesley, Boston U, Boston C, Barnard C, Northeastern, Stony Brook, Purdue, U of Washington, UIUC, U of Wisconsin Madison, U of Texas at Austin, Texas A&M, Northeastern, U of Mass Amherst, Colby, Occidental, Rutgers University, Berklee College of Music, McGill University


의치약계열 (Combined Medicine, Combined Dental, 6 Year Pharm D, Nursing) 

- Direct to Medicine: Boston University (7 Year Medical), Brown (PLME), Rochester Early Medical Scholars (REMS), The University of Edinburgh
- Direct to BS+DDS (Combined Dental): U of Pacific, U Detroit Mercy, Adelphi-NYU, SUNY Buffalo

- Direct to BS+Pharm D (6-year Pharm D): Northeastern, Rutgers, MCPHS, U of Rhode Island, U of Connecticut

- NursingBoston College, Northeastern University



경영대 (Direct to Undergraduate Business Programs) 

U Michigan (Ross), NYU (Stern), Boston College (Carroll), USC (Marshall), Notre Dame (Mendoza), Purdue, Indiana U (Kelley), University of Washington 


공대 & 컴퓨터 싸이언스 (Guaranteed CS or Engineering Programs) 

UIUC, Georgia Tech, RPI, Purdue, Northeastern, UMass Amherst, Texas Austin, Texas A&M